Nexera XS inert - Features

Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatograph

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Adsorption Inhibited and Detection Sensitivity Improved


The Nexera XS inert prevents target component recovery rates from decreasing by inhibiting adsorption caused by interactions between metal ions and proteins, nucleic acids, or other components. As a result, the Nexera XS inert system can detect phosphorylated peptides and other molecules with a strong tendency to adsorb to metals.

Example of Phosphopeptide Analysis


Example of Phosphopeptide Analysis

Improved Peak Shape and Separation

The Nexera XS inert uses unique proprietary technology that minimizes exposure to metal ions on internal surfaces. That inhibits adsorption of target molecules within sample flow channels, ensures good peak shape, and provides excellent separation.


Improved Peak Shape and Separation


Assured Reliability and Reproducibility

Consistent Analysis Reproducibility

In order to reduce the effect of adsoprtion of metal-sensitive compounds, a system is often passivated by repeatedly injecting samples that contain the target compounds before starting data acquisition. However, this approach not only wastes valuable samples and time, but can make it extremely difficult to acquire reliable data due to changes in the state of passivation during continuous analysis. Nexera XS inert systems eliminate the need for the preliminary passivation and provide highly reliable data from the first injection and throughout the analytical session.

Consistent Analysis Reproducibility


Improved Quantitative Analysis Performance

Adsorption of target compounds tends to be especially apparent in low-concentration regions, which can worsen calibration curve linearity, as well as detection and quantitation limits. Adsorption can also cause carryover. The Nexera XS inert achieves a wider dynamic range and higher quantitative accuracy in low-concentration regions by minimizing adsorption from interactions with metals.

Improved Quantitative Analysis Performance


Carryover is a phenomenon where sample substances remaining inside the system or column after analysis, due to adsorption or other reasons, affect the next analysis. Therefore, carryover should be inhibited particularly for quantitative analysis of trace quantities, because of the large detrimental effects it can have on analytical results.
Using a Nexera XS inert system can practically eliminate carryover by inhibiting adsorption to metal in the system.


Carryover test of oligonucleic acid


Nexera Series Features

Carry the Day with No Carryover

Carry the Day with No Carryover


Time is saved and you will be able to
・Start the next batch earlier
・Run more samples
・Report results earlier

Quickest Way to Results

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