Ultra-Fast MS Capabilities With Shimadzu's UFMS™ Technologies

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Shimadzu’s proprietary Ultra-Fast Mass Spectrometry (UFMS™) technologies offer industry-leading speed, sensitivity, and operation that set new global standards in Mass Spectrometry (MS). These UFMS™ technologies have been a game-changer that has since evolved into an indispensable tool, especially in the face of mounting pressure for tighter deadlines, faster turnaround time, and higher throughput demands.

Reimagining MS Performance With Shimadzu’s UFMS Technologies 

With the use of UFMS™, it can obtain unrivalled sensitivity and performance that arise due to ultra-fast (UF) scanning, UF switching, UF MRM, and UF sensitivity. These technologies are made possible by:

Ion Optics: Consisting of the UF-Qarray and UF-Lens, our ion optics system minimizes signal losses with precise ion convergence and a heated electrospray ionization (ESI) probe. Expect high-intensity and focused ion beams that contribute to top-notch sensitivity in LCMS.

Collision Cell Design: The UFsweeper is a high-sensitive and high-speed collision cell that enables ultra-fast ion sweeping. Its innovative technology allows for quicker and better ion transmission in the collision cell, maintaining signal intensity and dramatically suppressing crosstalk, even when shorter dwell and pause times are used. Furthermore, this results in the possibility of high-speed MRM.

Data Acquisition System: The advancements in our data acquisition system can bring about even more speed. Combining our UF polarity switching and UF scanning features results in shorter pause time and polarity switching time, thus bringing about more time for data collection. By combining all the UF technologies, the UFMS™ system delivers UF scanning, switching, sensitivity and MRM to achieve the world's highest level of sensitivity.

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The Power of UFMS, In Customers’ Words

Our customers, from leading companies in their respective industries to research laboratories seeking high-throughput analysis solutions, have spoken about their experiences with Shimadzu’s UFMS™ technology. With over 7000 UFMS™ instruments already in use, the era of Ultra-Fast MS capabilities is here.

"I see a very bright future for Shimadzu UFMS™ technology even in the face of increasing challenges for achieving more sensitive analysis at ppm/ppb level in the generic pharma sector."
Mr. Manikandan Venkateswaran - Head - R&D Analytical API

"The high sensitivity and reliability of Shimadzu’s UFMS™ instruments have made them an ideal solution for multi-analyte analysis in both scan mode and MRM mode of operation."
Dr. Gurmeet Singh - Professor and Centre Head

"The power of UFMS™ lies in its ability to deliver a high throughput analysis and quality data that has contributed to NCTC’s tremendous growth as a testing center."
Dr. Natthaphon Wuttiphan - Director, NCTC

Click for More Customers' Success Stories & Testimonials 

Our Suite of Products Equipped With Robust UFMS Technologies

Shimadzu has developed a range of mass spectrometry equipment and instruments to suit a diverse range of applications and unique laboratory needs.

LCMS-8060NX: A triple quadrupole mass spectrometer that is easy to use and robust, with top grade sensitivity, detection speeds, and Analytical Intelligence™. Click here to learn more.

LCMS-8050: Handling both qualitative and quantitative information in a single analysis, this system is perfect for various applications, boasting speed and accuracy with a sensitivity of 30 times that of its predecessor. Click here to learn more.

LCMS-8045: The LCMS-8045’s heated ESI probe, high-temperature heating block, heated desolvation line, drying gas, and focusing optics all act to maximize sensitivity and minimize contamination. Click here to learn more.

LCMS-8040: LCMS-8040 incorporates newly improved ion optics and collision cell technology to provide higher multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) sensitivity. Click here to learn more.

LCMS-2020: The ultra high-speed LC/MS Prominence UFLC+LCMS-2020 improves the speed and reliability of HPLC analysis, offering dramatic improvements in lab productivity. Click here to learn more.

MALDI-7090: This multi-user high-performance mass spectrometer marries Shimadzu’s extensive MALDI TOF-TOF mass spectrometry expertise with novel patented technology for nothing short of the best in identification and structural characterization of biomolecules. Click here to learn more.

GCMS-TQ8050 NX: The GCMS-TQ8050 NX features a new highly efficient detector and three noise reduction technologies that enable femtogram-level quantitative analysis. Click here to learn more.

GCMS-TQ8040 NX: Built to champion automation and streamlined efficiency, the Shimadzu triple-quad GCMS-TQ8040 NX comes with smart technologies that automatically determine all optimum transitions and collision energies, taking the labor out of routine analytical work. Click here to learn more.

GCMS-QP2020 NX: The GCMS-QP2020 NX can help any laboratory achieve its full potential, regardless of its analysis focus. Click here to learn more.

LCMS-2050: Distinctive features of this vigorous and all-inclusive single quadrupole spectrometer include its user-friendliness, high-level performance and compactness. Its operational convenience makes it a stellar choice for beginners and seasoned lab professionals alike. Click here to learn more.

Click below for more product information on our UFMS™ series.

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Introducing the UFMS Future Lab

UFMS Future Lab

Proudly introducing our UFMS Future Lab, an innovative hub built upon Shimadzu’s innovations and leading-edge technologies to deliver ultra-fast performance and the best customer experience. The UFMS Future Lab has recently been inaugurated at our Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) office, drawing the participation of over 100 esteemed customers. In this era of next-generation research and development (R&D) capabilities, Shimadzu's UFMS™ technologies set new global standards in mass spectrometry, delivering unparalleled speed, sensitivity, and operation.

The 5 Visionary Concepts That Illuminate Our UFMS Future Lab 

Each facet of Shimadzu’s five visionary concepts represents a pillar on which our UFMS Future Lab is built on. Join us as we walk through the definitive keystones that fuel the lab’s capabilities:

Redefining Speed: We understand your need for speed. Without compromising precision, our industry-leading UFMS™ instruments elevate scan speeds and polarity switching, delivering reliability and robustness in the lab.

Digital Twin: As a resourceful educator and learning companion, our digital twin stimulates an interactive 3D online space for an immersive training experience, complete with authentic engagement unrestrained by geographic boundaries.

Living Laboratory: Shimadzu pioneers R&D with the first AI-assisted automation laboratory. Harness the powers of our hardware and software for a future-proof laboratory resistant to the ebb and flow of the industry, maximizing your potential for Analytical Transformation (AX).

Towards Sustainability: Shimadzu’s Eco-Products Plus allow frontrunners like you to put the right foot forward in green practices. Rest assured in the knowledge that our solutions are made to reduce environmental impact by at least 25% in energy consumption, size, use of consumables, carbon emissions, noise level, and improvement in energy density.

Collaborative Success: Shimadzu advocates for collaborative endeavors that help organizations conquer collective success. Meet, connect and work with dominant figures that reshape the future within our dynamic workspace.

Customers’ Voice on UFMS Future Lab

Balakrishnan Duraisamy

“We use Shimadzu's UFMS instruments for food development and testing, specifically for pesticide analysis, ethylene oxides, PCB, PAH, etc for routine analysis. The sensitivity, reproducibility, and repeatability are very good for LCMS-8050. Looking ahead, with the live support from the UFMS Future Lab, we expect to receive better responses and better service support.”

- Balakrishnan Duraisamy, CEO of NAWaL Analytical Laboratories

Maricar Blanche Carandang and Ursela Guce Bigol

“We are glad to be here! It is definitely a valuable opportunity for us to see the different instruments linked together in the laboratory. We hope to have the same laboratory in our future Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines (VIP). We look forward to future collaboration opportunities with the Shimadzu Team.”

- Maricar Blanche Carandang, Senior Science Research Specialist and Ursela Guce Bigol, Supervising Science Research Specialist of Department of Science and Technology, VIP

Govind Dagdu Shinde

“Considering the customer’s needs and future needs, this knowledge (through live support) will definitely get transferred, and once the knowledge transferred, it will definitely get adopted by people, which is the (purpose) of UFMS Future Lab. This is one of the best events, and I have seen the whole Shimadzu team with lot eagerness, welcoming us as customers. Thanks for inviting us; it was a good session!”

- Govind Dagdu Shinde, Deputy General Manager (DGM) of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Explore additional relevant details about the launch of UFMS Future Lab by clicking here.

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