iSpect DIA-10 - Specs

Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System

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iSpect DIA-10

Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System

Measurement method

Dynamic image analysis method

Particle Size Measurement Range*1

5 to 100 μm

Number Concentration*2

Coefficient of Variation (CV) ≦ 5 %

Measurement Parameters

Particle Size
Area circle equivalent diameter, perimeter equivalent diameter, maximum length, maximum perpendicular length, vertical Feret diameter, horizontal Feret diameter, particle perimeter, envelope perimeter
Shape Analysis
Circularity, aspect ratio, horizontal bounding rectangle aspect ratio
Other Parameters
Particle area, average brightness

Statistical Analysis Items

Average, standard deviation, CV, median (50 % value), mode value, user defined % value

Display Items

Particle image, histogram, scattergram, cumulative distribution, frequency/integration table, user defined area particle count

Required Sample Size

50 to 1000 μL


Syringe pump, flowrate 0.1 mL/min

Wetted Part Materials

Measurement unit: PEEK resin, fluorine resin, quartz, fluorine rubber
Pump unit: Fluorine resin, glass

Power Supply Requirements

115 or 230 V AC, 100 VA, 50/60 Hz


Measurement unit: W223 x D465 x H205 mm, 10 kg
Pump unit: W97 x D190 x H150 mm, 3 kg

*1 Performance guarantee range of area circle equivalent diameter. Measured using a Shimadzu NIST traceable particle size standard sample.
*2 Measured using concentration standard samples specified by Shimadzu.

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iSpect DIA-10

Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System

Particle size measurement range

5 to 100 µm

Particle count concentration reproducibility

CV ≤ 5 %

Measurement items

Equivalent circular area diameter, equivalent circular perimeter diameter, maximum length, length perpendicular to maximum length, vertical Feret diameter, horizontal Feret diameter, particle perimeter, envelope perimeter, circularity, aspect ratio, horizontal rectangular envelope aspect ratio, particle area, and mean brightness

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