CGT-7100 - Features

Transportable Gas Analyzer

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All-in-One Measurement

An all-in-one transportable gas analyzer is ideal for a wide variety of applications in a range of locations.

Designed for Easy Operations

The CGT-7100 gas analyzer measures the concentration of CO, CO2, and CH4 gases using a ratio photometric non-dispersive infrared absorption method, which offers superior stability.

Perfect solution for On-Site Measurements

All-in-One & Transportable

With all the pretreatment units required for measurement built-in, such as the pump, filter, and dehumidifier, gas concentration can be measured by simply introducing sample gas into the measurement gas inlet.

Designed for Easy Maintenance

Filters, absorbers, and other consumables are located in the front for easy access when replacing them.

Smooth Operability

Front Controls

Switching gases, adjusting flow rates, and connecting gases can be performed from the front.

Output Data to USB Flash Drives

Measurement data is recorded inside the analyzer and can be output as CSV format data using a USB flash drive. This makes it easier to process the data on a computer.

Check Data Wirelessly

Transmit Data via Wireless

Data can now be sent wirelessly via Wi-Fi. This allows measurement values to be displayed on smart devices in the vicinity and helps ensure that changes in concentration are identified. It also eliminates the need to transport a data recorder to the measurement site and configure cables.

Outstanding Stability

The infrared gas analyzer maintains a constant sensitivity level during sample concentration measurements by detecting a reference signal independently from the measurement signal and then proportionally correcting the measurement signal based on the reference signal.

Measure a Wide Range of Concentrations, from ppm-Levels to vol%-Levels

The CGT-7100 can measure a wide range of gas concentrations, from ppm-level concentrations in combustion gases to percent-level concentrations in process gas, fuel cells, and research applications.

Measure Flow Rates as Low as 100 mL/min

Gases can now be measured at extremely low sample gas flow rates of 100 mL/min. Therefore, the CGT-7100 can be used for a wide range of applications, such as catalyst reaction researches.

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