First-ever 3D Global Pharma Summit is Coming!
Gear up for our upcoming 3D Global Pharma Summit! Pharma Digital Transformation (DX) is now and here! Join us as industry experts weigh in on the latest pharmaceutical topics and tips on achieving digital success in your laboratories. Experience a futuristic and interactive summit with us like no other before — Register Now!
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Just In: Xslicer SMX-1010/1020
Meet our new Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System — for your analysis needs in electrical/electronic parts!
Achieve Better Bioseparations
Check out how our LC columns can achieve better bioseparations when applied to various biopharma workflows.
Into Pyrolyzer GC-MS Analysis
Py-Screener Ver.2 is out now! Get ready to screen phthalate esters and brominated flame retardants effectively!
Is Your Water Contaminated?
Use our TOC-L series to find out! Watch our video now to see how you can perform total organic carbon analysis.