Panel Discussion (Auditorium)

Shimadzu 8th Global Pharma Summit

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Thought-Provoking Panel Discussion

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from our industry experts and gain valuable insights about the impact of digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry. With our diverse range of speakers, you will get a holistic perspective on the field's key trends and latest developments.

Dr. Prasad KPP (Moderator)

Vice President, Site Leader
Tessa Therapeutics Ltd., Singapore

Dr. Prasad is our moderator for this highly anticipated panel discussion. As the Vice President of Tessa Therapeutics, Dr. Prasad’s expertise lies in drug production and formulations, be it small molecules or large biologics drug substances. He will be sharing his thoughts about the wave of the digital revolution within the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Venugopala Rao Korlam

Head - Analytical Development Unit 1
Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., India

Dr. Venugopala is the Head of Analytical Development in Novartis. Specializing in innovation and development of new technologies or novel software, he works on expanding technical capabilities for higher productivity. Drawing from his wealth of experience, Dr. Venugopala will be sharing critical insights on how new technologies will transform drug discovery.

Ms. Lathalu Krishnamoorthy

Quality Manager
ICM Pharma Pte Ltd, Singapore

Ms. Krishnamoorthy is the Quality Manager of ICM Pharma in Singapore. With the ever-evolving regulations, Ms. Krishnamoorthy specializes in helping organizations step up and meet the increasingly stringent requirements with complete compliance. In the panel discussion, she will be sharing her thoughts on the role of medium-sized companies today in the pharmaceutical industry.

Mr. Masami Tomita

Deputy General Manager
Shimadzu Corporation, Japan

As the Deputy General Manager in Shimadzu Corporation, Mr. Tomita is well-versed in the current challenges and the latest analytical development trends in the pharmaceutical field. To meet the rising demand for digitalization, Mr. Tomita will be sharing Shimadzu’s new launch of the first-ever Mechatronics Business unit in the industry. He will elaborate on how this forward-looking business unit can successfully drive the digital transformation in the industry.

Dr. Nagatoshi Koumura

Team Leader
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Japan

Dr. Nagatoshi Koumura is the Team Leader of AIST. With surging interest in continuous manufacturing to modernize the pharmaceutical industry, Dr. Koumura brings us a step closer to this future through the “iFactory” concept. Stay tuned to the panel discussion as he illustrates the use of the modules, “iCube”, in constructing the manufacturing system to synthesize desired products.