eTOC series - Features

TOC-1000e On-Line TOC Analyzer for Pure Water

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World’s first technology in the world’s smallest and lightest*1 casing

World-first*2 TOC analyzer using mercury-free excimer lamp

Excimer lamps emit high-energy 172 nm wavelength light by inducing a dielectric barrier discharge within a xenon gas. The eTOC is the first TOC analyzer in the world to use a mercury-free excimer lamp.
The eTOC also features new “Active-Path” technology for transferring energy from the lamp to the sample. It efficiently irradiates the sample inside the lamp with ultraviolet light to reliably oxidize organic matter.
This new Shimadzu technology achieves both high measurement performance and high environmental performance.

*1: According to August 2020 Shimadzu survey of TOC analyzers with a multicolor display screen
*2: According to August 2020 Shimadzu survey

Problems with Typical Analyzers

Large indicator and display screen on a small cabinet

A smart user interface and the large touch-panel screen provide exceptional visibility and operability.
The indicator clearly shows the analyzer's status, such as standby, measurement in progress, or active warning.
There is no need to squint at a small monochrome screen or go to a separately located monitor or controller to confirm data and perform operations.

Monitor display

Monitor view



Trend display

Trend view

Table view

Table view

Small, lightweight casing provides installation flexibility

The small and lightweight eTOC can be installed on a tabletop or mounted to a wall or pole using an optional bracket kit.
In either case, a sampler can be attached to the side to calibrate the analyzer onsite.
That offers the flexibility to choose the most convenient location for installation.

Small, lightweight cabinet provides installation flexibility

Easy-to-use and maintain design improves efficiency

One-year maintenance-free.*1 Tool-free maintenance.

1-year maintenance-free.Tool-free maintenance.

The simple configuration is designed to be maintenance-free for a year.*2
The only parts that need to be replaced during regular maintenance are the excimer lamp and pump head.
Both parts can be accessed via the front door of the analyzer and easily removed or installed without any tools.

*1: It may vary depending on the sample properties and measurement conditions.
*2: When the measurement period is five minutes or more

Replacing the Lamp

Replacing the Lamp

Replacing the Pump

Replacing the Pump

Onsite calibration/validation using a vial sampler
Conditioned standard solutions are also available

Using an optional vial sampler, the analyzer can be calibrated or validated at the operating site.
The sampler can hold four standard solutions for creating up to four-point calibration curves.
Conditioned standard solutions, which are suitable for calibration, validation, or system suitability test, are also available. 
The sampler and the conditioned solutions can make calibration and validation easier and more reliable.

TOC-1000e with Vial Sampler (Optional)

TOC-1000e with Vial Sampler (Optional)

Conditioned Standard Solutions

Conditioned Standard Solutions

Export data in an easily readable/usable format

Export data in an easily readable/usable format

The eTOC can output data to a USB flash drive in text (CSV) or PDF format.

■ Text File

Comma-separated values (CSV) or tab-delimited values. Readable with spreadsheet software.

TOC-1000e with Vial Sampler (Optional)

■ Daily Report (PDF file)

Measurement results are listed in a table and shown in a trend graph.

Conditioned Standard Solutions

■ Print Output

The eTOC can export values to a printer(optional).
For information about compatible printers,contact a Shimadzu representative.

Print Output

■ External Input/Output

By using an external input/output kit (optional), measurement values can be exported as an analog output (4 to 20 mA) or a contact output to notify the user of measurement results, alarms or events.

View/Acquire data from a web browser through the network

By connecting eTOCs to a network, you can check results remotely from the web browser of a PC or tablet. No special software is required. Data can also be downloaded as a file.
Even if there are multiple analyzers in different locations, routine checking can be carried out from one place.

View/Acquire data from a web browser through the network

Reliability to support regulations

Measurement reliability supports regulatory compliance requirements

The UV oxidation-conductivity method enables highly sensitive measurements with a simple analyzer design.
The system achieves high sensitivity with a detection limit of 0.1 µg/L,, which is suitable for ultra-pure water quality control.
It is also compliant with the pharmacopoeia requirements of various countries, such as the USP and EP.

Internal structure and measurement principle

Internal structure and measurement principle

Stable and Accurate Data Measurement

24-Hour Continuous eTOC Measurement Data of Ultra-Pure Water

24-Hour Continuous eTOC Measurement Data of Ultra-Pure Water
It shows that results are stable enough to check the quality of ultra-pure water around 5 µg/L TOC.

Security functionality for supporting data management

User authentication and access rights control

User authentication and access rights control

Users can be authenticated based on an ID and password.
User access rights are controlled according to four user levels: “Administrator”, “Main User”, “User”, or “Guest”.

Operation/Event log

Operation/Event log

All operations performed by operators, measurement value alarms, instrument errors, and other operating events are recorded.
Filters by "Category", such as "Measurement Alarms" or "Instrument Errors", can be applied for browsing the log history.
Descriptions and reasons for frequently performed operations can be registered in advance and then recalled later.

Integrated data management

A daily report summarizing measurement results from each day and an operation log can be exported daily to a LabSolutions database via a network.
Data from multiple eTOC analyzers and data from other analytical instruments can be managed centrally together.

Integrated data management
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