Lightway - Features

PQY-01 Photoreaction Evaluation System

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Shortens Experimental Process

Analytical Intelligence

Conventional measurement requires a lengthy process using a chemical actinometer but Lightway includes functionality that calibrates the number of irradiated photons, eliminating this process.

*Using a chemical actinometer involves sample adjustment process steps, such as crystallizing, air drying, and diluting samples, and then measuring the number of photons in a dark room and calibrating the number of photons irradiated on the sample.

Shortens Experimental Process

Measuring is Easy

Analytical Intelligence

It can monitor spectral changes* during the photoreaction process in real time.
Measurements can be started by specifying mainly three parameter settings
(measurement interval, measurement time, and number of irradiated photons),
which makes it easy to operate even for first-time users. Also, a dialog box is
displayed whenever a button is pressed to help navigate operations.

* Results for specific wavelengths can be graphed as a function of time.

The PQY-Meas software


Irradiated light settings
LEDs provide stable, bright, and long-lasting irradiation light. That means reliable results can be obtained anytime. Also, experimental reproducibility can be increased by specifying the quantity of light irradiated.

Time-course measurement results at a monitored wavelength
Time-course changes in the absorbance at any particular wavelength can be determined instantaneously. By specifying the specic wavelength as the monitored wavelength before starting a  measurement, spectral changes can be displayed as a function of time, so that the end of the reaction can be conrmed more quickly and the reaction rate can be conrmed more intuitively.

Measurement results for all spectra
No bothersome settings are necessary. Only the measurement interval and measurement time need to be specied for spectra measurement conditions. The minimum measurement interval setting is 0.1 seconds. That means spectra from 250 to 800 nm can be acquired within 0.1 seconds to track reactions quickly.


The PQY-Meas software that comes standard with the system offers the following three modes.

Photoreaction Measurements

Photoreaction Measurements

Measures a spectrum while the sample is irradiated by the irradiation light source.

Spectral Measurements

Spectral Measurements

Measures a spectrum after the sample is irradiated by the irradiation light source. It can also perform regular spectral measurements as a spectrophotometer.

Calibration Curve & Quantitation

Calibration Curve & Quantitation

Creates a calibration curve from a standard sample to determine concentrations in unknown samples.

Measures Photon Count Accurately

Analytical Intelligence

Previously, a chemical actinometer was required to calculate the number of irradiated photons, but there were concerns about variability caused by the chemical actinometer adjustment process. The Lightway system uses a power meter to calibrate the number of irradiated photons and make corrections based on spectral shape prior to measuring, which prevents variability caused by differences in skill levels.
    It also features a stable and long-lasting LED irradiation light source. 

Using an LED irradiation light source means reliable measurements can be obtained over long periods.

Measures Photon Count Accurately



The figure above illustrates one example of how light source intensity decreases over time. The red line indicates the intensity of an LED irradiation light source, whereas the blue line indicates the intensity of a xenon lamp irradiation light source. It shows that the LED irradiation light source offers high intensity for a longer time and the intensity decrease is more gradual than for the xenon lamp irradiation light source.

An optional LED irradiation light source is available.*

An optional LED irradiation light source is available.

* This product is manufactured by CELL System Co., Ltd. Therefore, it must be purchased as an optional product.

The LED irradiation light source can be replaced easily.

The LED irradiation light source can be replaced easily.

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