Method Scouting Solution doesn’t support creating experimental design.
Method Development System
Improving Efficiency of the Entire Method Development Workflow

LabSolutions™ MD improves method development efficiency by taking an Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) approach. This software efficiently develops highly reliable analysis methods by configuring mobile phases, columns, and other parameters using an analysis function that automatically generates analysis schedules with the experimental design method and a data analysis function that plots a design space and predicted chromatogram.

Box-Behnken design and central composite design can shorten analysis times because they require fewer data points than full factorial design.
Method Scouting Solution doesn’t support creating experimental design. -
Robust analytical conditions can be specified without relying on experience or intuition.
Method Scouting Solution doesn’t support creating design space. -
LabSolutions MD has a unique AI algorithm for automatic optimization of gradient conditions. By setting resolution criteria, it automatically searchs for the gradient conditions that meet the criteria.
In addition to automatically switching between multiple mobile phases and multiple columns, mobile phase blending functionality can also save labor by automating mobile phase preparation. LabSolutions MD is compatible with Nexera series and i-Series systems.
Method development and Identification of Triacylglycerols species with SFC
Analyzing Triacylglycerols (TAGs) is essential to evaluate the quality and functionality of oils and fats. Chromatographic separation by typical methods that include GC and HPLC might be challenging due to a large number of TAGs species. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) is one chromatography method that uses supercritical fluid (i.e. supercritical carbon dioxide) as a mobile phase. Here, we introduce the workflow of method scouting of SFC using Method Scouting Solutions and how to establish the optimized analytical method for TAGs species in natural oils and fats.