CLAM-2040 - Configuration

Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for LCMS

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  • LCMS-8060 NX


  • LCMS-9030


Product name Model name Q'ty Note
LC-MS/MS LCMS-8060 NX* 1 *Multiple LC-MS/MS systems are available.
About LC-MS/MS
Automated Sample Preparation Module CLAM-2040 1  
System Controller CBM-40 1  
Liquid Transfer Unit LC-40D XR/X3 2  
Online Degassing Unit DGU-403 or 405 1  
Autosampler SIL-40C XR/X3* 1 *When using the CLAM-2040 sample preparation module, a SIL-40C XR/X3 must be included in HPLC configuration.
Column Oven CTO-40C 1  
Detector SPD-40 1  
Flow Path Switching Valve FCV-S 1  
Reservoir Tray   1  
Mixer MR 20 μL 1  
Touch Panel LCD   1  
Handy Barcode Reader   1  

About LC-MS/MS

LC-MS/MS can be selected from the following lineup.

TQ : LCMS-8060 NX, LCMS-8060, LCMS-8050, LCMS-8045, LCMS-8040.
are suitable for detecting substances such as drugs (TDM, etc.) present in blood and urine

・Sensitivity order (from high&low) : LCMS-8060NX > LCMS-8060 >LCMS-8050 >LCMS-8045 >LCMS-8040
・LCMS-8040 and 8045 .
・LCMS-8050, LCMS-8060 and LCMS-8060 NX are suitable for detecting substances at very low concentrations such as hormones in blood.


Q-TOF : LCMS-9030, LCMS-9050.
・Resolution order (from high to low) :
 LCMS-9050 > LCMS-9030

Please consult your local sales representative for more information on which system is best suited for your application.