Asia & Oceania

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Doctoral Academic Forum & Scholarship of Chemistry of Tsinghua University

Doctoral Academic Forum & Scholarship of Chemistry of Tsinghua University

May 2015

The doctor’s academic forum of chemistry department of Tsinghua University is the most important annually academic activity of the chemistry department, and the people attending the forum include department leaders, senior professors and the overall doctors of the department. With the help of Tsinghua’s academic spirit and atmosphere, the scholarship activity aims to spread the academic spirit of Shimadzu and its principle of “making social contributions using science & technology.

Shimadzu Cup of Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal

Shimadzu Cup of Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal

Sep 2015

The excellent essay selecting and exchange of the Shimadzu Cup of Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal dates back to 1992, it is held once every two years and has held 11 times, it is an important academic exchange platform in pharmaceutical analysis subject. Shimadzu solely sponsors the exchange and has maintains its influence in pharmaceutical area, the sponsorship includes the exchanges fees and essay scholarship.

Shimadzu scholarship for Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Adademy of Sciences

Shimadzu scholarship for Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Adademy of Sciences

Jun 2015

Shimadzu keeps close cooperation with Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Adademy of Sciences for a long time. In order to further strengthen bilateral continued cooperation in the field of scientific research, personnel training and so on, we setted up Shimadzu scholarship in 2013.

Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd

Environmental Monitoring and Governance in Asia UNU-IAS - Shimadzu Partnership Project

Environmental Monitoring and Governance in Asia UNU-IAS - Shimadzu Partnership Project

The "Environmental Monitoring and Analysis in the East Asian Region: Technology Transfer and Environmental Governance" project has been implemented by the United Nations University since 1996. This project involves the monitoring of chemical pollutants in the coastal environments of 10 Asian countries, for the purpose of creating a sustainable global environment. With the corporate philosophy of "Contributing to Society through Science and Technology," Shimadzu has provided comprehensive support for this project, utilizing the expertise that we have cultivated over our long history.



DAICENTER (DBT-AIST International CENter for Translational and Environmental Research) approached Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt. Ltd. about conducting a joint residential one-week workshop, offering full descriptions and hands-on-training courses on pioneering and advanced analytical technologies.

The national Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan and DAILAB (DBT-AIST International Laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine) at the Biomedical Research Institute (BMRI), Tsukuba Campus of National Institute of AIST, Japan, established the first International laboratory in October 2013 under a comprehensive MOU between AIST and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of The Ministry of Science and Technology, India. DAICENTER is committed to providing research training and networking opportunities to young scientists from India under the scope of this MOU.

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (Oceania) Pty Ltd

Shimadzu Education Award

2018 Shimadzu Education Award

Dec 07, 2018

Shimadzu presenting the Shimadzu Education Award at ComBio 2018 to Dr Tracey Kuit for her outstanding achievements.

Shimadzu Education Award

2017 Shimadzu Education Award

Oct 20, 2017

Shimadzu presenting the Shimadzu Education Award at ComBio 2017 to Dr Heather Verkade for her outstanding achievements.

Award at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Academic Prize at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Monash University

Jul 6, 2017

Shimadzu presenting the Academic Prize for academic achievements at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University Parkville campus Victoria to Abigail Oh.

Thank you letter from Monash University PDF (pdf 51 kB)

Shimadzu HPLC Teaching Laboratory at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Shimadzu HPLC Teaching Laboratory at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mar 2011 - Mar 2016

5 HPLC Systems placed at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences to assist in their teaching program. Through this and other activities we have been nominated for two 'Business/Higher Education Awards'

Awards at Victoria University

Awards at Victoria University

Jun 2015

AU$250 each Award given to the top 1st and 2nd year students in Chemistry at Victoria University

Awards at Swinburne University

Awards at Swinburne University

Jun 2015

AU$500 each to the highest achieving PhD students in Chemistry or Biotechnology.

PhD Scholarship at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research

PhD Scholarship at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research

Jul 2015 - Jul 2018

AU$25,000 per year over 3 years funding a PhD scholarship to be undertaken at UQCCR, with a project including work using the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 triple quad mass spectrometer.