A Winning Start To New Year! Celebrating Shimadzu's Award-Winning Innovations
e-Cigarette, e-liquid
An e-cigarette is an electronic product that simulates a cigarette. It has the same look, smoke, taste, and feel as a cigarette. An e-cigarette is an electronic product that simulates a cigarette, by using an atomizer to heat e-liquid (vape juice) in a chamber/tank to produce vapor that resembles smoke from a cigarette. E-liquid mostly consists of a base (glycerin, propylene glycol, water, etc.) and additives (flavorings, plant extracts, etc.). The type of flavoring determines the flavor of the e-liquid. With the rapid increase in e-cigarettes, a growing number of countries are becoming aware of their health risks. Shimadzu provides solutions to estimate the health risks of e-cigarette.
The Effect of Heating Temperature on Aroma Compounds in E-liquid
This application shows an analysis example of aroma compounds of e-liquid with a simple pretreatment under an environment close to the actual use conditions by using the Smart Aroma Database and the HS-20 NX headspace sampler.
Determination of the Phthalate Content
This application can be used as a reference to determine the phthalate content in e-liquid samples. It was developed in accordance with Method II of the National Food Safety Standards: Determination of Phthalates in Foods (GB 5009.271-2016).
Eight Carbonyl Compounds in E-Cigarette Liquid
This application was developed based on Appendix C of E-Liquid Safety and Technical Specifications. Analysis of eight carbonyl compounds in e-cigarette liquids using high-performance liquid chromatography is described.
Analysis of impurities, 2,3-Butanedione, 2,3-Pentanedione, and Acetoin
Based on the “Technical specification for safety of e-liquid”(draft for comment),a method of determining the 2,3-butanedione, 2,3-pentanedione, and acetoin content in e-liquid using a GCMS was devised.
Nicotine in E-cigarette Liquid Sample
The nicotine concentration in an e-liquid sample was determined using a GC-FID, coupled with the autoinjector for easy sample introduction. Moreover, the assay was carried out using hydrogen as the carrier gas to achieve low operating cost without sacrificing the efficiency.