Cleaning Procedure for MALDI sample targets

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Suitable for all stainless steel FlexiMass and Microtiter-format MALDI targets

1. Items required


 Ultrasonic bath for target cleaning


 Cleaning solution concentrate: Micro 90 (available from Sigma Aldrich)


 Hotplate or oven capable of heating a 5 % Micro 90 solution to approx. 60 °C


 HPLC grade methanol and acetone
 Note: when handling solvents, wear suitable PPE (e.g. safety glasses, lab coat and gloves).
 Refer to manufacturers MSDS for instructions on safe handling and disposal.


 Deionised or HPLC grade water


 Small oven for drying targets (up to 50 °C)

2. Cleaning procedure


 Prepare 100 mL of a 5 % (v/v) solution of Micro 90 in deionised or HPLC grade water
 [5 % (v/v) = 5 mL of Micro 90 concentrate + 95 mL water]


 Heat the 5 % Micro 90 solution to approx. 60 °C


 Using a tissue and a suitable solvent (e.g. methanol), remove any visible signs of samples from the surface of the


 Place the target face up into a small container and immerse (cover) with acetone


 Cover the container and place into an ultrasonic bath.


 Sonicate the target in acetone for 15 min. Sonication is performed at room temperature.


 Discard the used acetone. Rinse the target (x2) with 100 mL deionised or HPLC grade water.
 Discard rinsing solutions.


 Place the target face up into a small container and immerse (cover) with the heated 5 % (v/v) Micro 90 solution


 Cover the container and place into an ultrasonic bath.


 Sonicate the target in the 5 % Micro 90 cleaning solution for 15 min. Sonication is performed at room


 Discard the used 5 % Micro 90 solution. Rinse the target (x2) with 100 mL deionised or HPLC grade water.
 Discard rinsing solutions.


 Cover the target with approx. 100 mL of deionised or HPLC grade water.
 Sonicate target for 5 min. at room temperature.


 Cover the target with approx. 100 mL of methanol. Sonicate target for 15 min. at room temperature.
 Discard the rinsing solution


 Cover the target with approx. 100 mL of deionised or HPLC grade water.
 Sonicate target for 15 min. at room temperature. Discard the rinsing solution


 Shake the target to remove excess water from the rinsing step.
 Flood the target with methanol and allow excess to evaporate.


 Place the target in an oven at 50 °C for at least 6 hours (e.g. overnight).
 This oven drying step is necessary to minimise unwanted sample spreading during use.

Important notes


  • Prior to use, allow the target to adjust to room temperature.

  • For targets intended for lipid or low molecular weight (<800Da) analyses omit all steps that include Micro 90

  • Do not use this protocol for single-use polymeric FlexiMass™-DS targets. Doing so will compromise the characteristics and performance of the product and may ultimately lead to damage of the MALDI TOF instrument.
    Shimadzu accepts no liability for any damage caused by improper handling of FlexiMass™-DS targets.