In-House Life Science & Biopharma Training

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Life Science & Biopharma Training Schedule

For more information on the schedule of our life science and biopharma courses or to get a recommendation on what training course to take, please contact us.

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Life Science & Biopharma Courses

Principles and Operation of AXIMA MALDI-TOF with Launchpad Workstation
Course Code: MALDI-A101

Principles and Operation of MALDI-8020/8030 with MALDI Solutions 
Course Code: MALDI-A103

Principles and Operation of Microchip Electrophoresis for DNA/RNA Sizing Analysis 
Course Code: MultiNA-A101

N-terminal Protein Sequencing based on Edman Degradation Chemistry 
Course Code: PPSQ-A101

mAb Characterization - Peptide Mapping with Trypsin Digestion on LCMS-9030
Course Code: LCMS-B301