Observation Examples of Polymers

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Observation of Tetrakis(4-sulfonato-2-thienyl)porphyrin J-aggregate I

Observation of Tetrakis(4-sulfonato-2-thienyl)porphyrin J-aggregate I

This AFM image is an observation of the nano-structure of protonated tetrakis (4- sulfonato 2-thienyl) porphyrin J-aggregate. The nano-structure of porphyrin J-aggregate relies on meso position substituents and changes significantly, producing J-aggregate nano-fibers with a flexible structure, and nano-crystals with a needle-like structure. Here, a variety of structures have been observed including flexible fibers in a network formation, and dendritic geometric designs.
Data provided by Segawa Lab. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.