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Authors Title Journal Page
Shiho Moriguchi
Teppei Tsujimoto
Akira Sasahara
Ryohei Kokawa
Hiroshi Onishi
Nanometer-Scale Distribution of a Lubricant Modifier on Iron Films: A Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Study Combined with a Friction Test ACS Omega DOI:
Risa Katayama
Musashi Ikeda
Kohei Shiraishi
Akikazu Matsumoto
Chie Kojima
Formation of Hydrophobic Domains on the poly(MPC-co-Dodecyl Methacrylate)-Coated Surface Recognized by Macrophage-like Cells Langmuir DOI:
Hikaru Okubo
Shinya Sasaki
Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopic Observation for Ultralow Frictional Solid–Liquid Interface of Diamond-Like Carbon in an Environmentally Friendly Oil Tribology Letters DOI:


Authors Title Journal Page
Kazuhide Sato
Kanta Ando
Shuhei Okuyama
Shiho Moriguchi
Tairo Ogura
Shinichiro Totoki
Hirofumi Hanaoka
Tadanobu Nagaya
Ryohei Kokawa
Hideo Takakura
Masayuki Nishimura
Yoshinori Hasegawa
Peter L. Choyke
Mikako Ogawa
Hisataka Kobayashi
Photoinduced Ligand Release from a Silicon Phthalocyanine Dye Conjugated with Monoclonal Antibodies: A Mechanism of Cancer Cell Cytotoxicity after Near-Infrared Photoimmunotherapy ACS Central Science DOI:
Tomoko Hirayama
Masayuki Maeda
Yuto Sasaki
Takashi Matsuoka
Hiroshi Komiya
Masahiro Hino
Growth of adsorbed additive layer for further friction reduction Lubrication Science DOI:


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Tomoko Hirayama
Ryota Kawamura
Keita Fujino
Takashi Matsuoka
Hiroshi Komiya
Hiroshi Onishi
Cross-Sectional Imaging of Boundary Lubrication Layer Formed by Fatty Acid by Means of Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Langmuir 33 10492-10500
Yuki Araki
Hisao Satoh
Masahiko Okumura
Hiroshi Onishi
Localization of cesium on montmorillonite surface investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Surface Science 665 32-36
Taketoshi Minato
Yuki Araki
Kenichi Umeda
Toshiro Yamanaka
Ken-ichi Okazaki
Hiroshi Onishi
Takeshi Abe
Zempachi Ogumi
Interface structure between tetraglyme and graphite THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 147 124701-1 - 124701-6
Miki Osaka
Hiroaki Benten
Hideo Ohkita
Shinzaburo Ito
Intermixed Donor/Acceptor Region in Conjugated Polymer Blends Visualized by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Macromolecules 50 1618-1625
Miki Osaka
Daisuke Mori
Hiroaki Benten
Hiroki Ogawa
Hideo Ohkita
Shinzaburo Ito
Charge Transport in Intermixed Regions of All-Polymer Solar Cells Studied by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 9 15615-15622
Kouichi Nakanishi
Akinori Kogure
Ritsuko Kuwana
Hiromu Takamatsu
Kiyoshi Ito
Development of a Novel Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) Method to Measure the Thermal Conductivity of Biological Cells Biocontrol Science 22 175-180
Chiaki Tsuneishi
Yuki Koizumi
Ryuta Sueto
Hiroki Nishiyama
Kazuma Yasuhara
Tada-aki Yamagishi
Tomoki Ogoshi
Ikuyoshi Tomita
Shinsuke Inagi
The controlled synthesis of pillar[6]arene-based hexagonal cylindrical structures on an electrode surface via electrochemical oxidation The Royal Society of Chemistry 53 7454-7456


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Akira Muramatsu
Yuta Shimizu
Yuko Yoshikawa
Wakao Fukuda
Naoki Umezawa
Yuhei Horai
Tsunehiko Higuchi
Shinsuke Fujiwara
Tadayuki Imanaka
Kenichi Yoshikawa
Naturally occurring branched-chain polyamines induce a crosslinked meshwork structure in a giant DNA The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 DOI: 10.1063/1.4972066
Hirofumi Harada
Akira Onoda
Shiho Moriguchi
Takashi Hayashi
In SituObservation of Enhanced Photoinduced Charge Separation in a Gold Nanoparticle Assembly Immobilized on TiO2 Chemistry Select 2016 1 5666-5670


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Yuichi Hirai
Takayuki Nakanishi
Yuichi Kitagawa
Koji Fushimi
Tomohiro Seki
Hajime Ito
Hiroyuki Fueno
Kazuyoshi Tanaka
Toshifumi Satoh
Yasuchika Hasegawa
Luminescent Coordination Glass: Remarkable Morphological Strategy for Assembled Eu(III) Complexes Inorganic Chemistry 2015 54 4364-4370
Tomoaki OKUDA
Measurement of the Electrostatic Charging State of Individual Particles in Ambient Aerosol Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Earozoru Kenkyu 30 190-197
A. Kondo
G. Yin
N. Srinivasan
D. Atarashi
E. Sakai
M. Miyauchi
Kelvin probe imaging of photo-injected electrons in metal oxide nanosheets from metal sulfide quantum dots under remote photochromic coloration Nanoscale 7 12510-12515
Tomoaki Miyagi
Akira Sasahara
Masahiko Tomitori
Water wettability of Si(1 1 1) and (0 0 1) surfaces prepared to bereconstructed, atomic-hydrogen terminated and thinly oxidized in anultrahigh vacuum chamber Applied Surface Science 349 904-910
Yuichi Hirai
Takayuki Nakanishi
Yuichi Kitagawa
Koji Fushimi
Tomohiro Seki
Hajime Ito
Hiroyuki Fueno
Kazuyoshi Tanaka
Toshifumi Satoh
Yasuchika Hasegawa
Luminescent Coordination Glass: Remarkable Morphological Strategy for Assembled Eu(III) Complexes Inorganic Chemistry 54 4364-4370
Zhen-Ji Han
Kiyofumi Yamagiwa
Naoaki Yabuuchi
Jin-Young Son
Yi-Tao Cui
Hiroshi Oji
Akinori Kogure
Takahiro Harada
Sumihisa Ishikawa
Yasuhito Aoki
Shinichi Komaba
Electrochemical lithiation performance and characterization of silicon.graphite composites with lithium, sodium, potassium, and ammonium polyacrylate binders Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 3783-3795
Nuri Na
Dong Young Kim
Yeong-Gi So
Yuichi Ikuhara
Suguru Noda
Simple and engineered process yielding carbon nanotube arrays with 1.2 x 1013 cm-2 wall density on conductive underlayer at 400 °C Carbon 81 773-781


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Ryo Takahata
Seiji Yamazoe
Kiichirou Koyasu
Tatsuya Tsukuda
Surface Plasmon Resonance in Gold Ultrathin Nanorods and Nanowires JACS 136 8489-8491
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Megumi Dohi
Noble metal deposition modulation on amorphous photochromicdiarylethenefilm Applied Physics Express 7 071602-1-4
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Naoya Matsui
Electrical characterization of photochromic diarylethene films consisting of extraordinarily large crystallites Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 3589-3596
Minehide Kusayanagi
Azusa Uchida
Nobuto Oka
Junjun Jia
Shin-ichi Nakamura
Yuzo Shigesato
Al-doped ZnO films deposited on a slightly reduced buffer layer by reactive dc unbalanced magnetron sputtering Thin Solid Films 555  93-99
Masanobu Izaki
Ryo Hisamatsu
Takamasa Saito
Kazufumi Murata
Junji Sasano
Tsutomu Shinagawa
Hybrid zinc oxide: Cu-phthalocyanine bulkheterojunction photovoltaic device RSC Advances 4 14956–14961
Yoshiro IWAI
New Evaluation Method for the Properties of Composite Hard Coatings - MSE: Micro Slurry-Jet Erosion Method - Tribologist 59, No.1 32-37 


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Miki Osaka
Hiroaki Benten
Li-Ting Lee
Hideo Ohkita
Shinzaburo Ito
Development of highly conductive nanodomains in poly(3-hexylthiophene) films studied by conductive atomic force microscopy Polymer 54 3443-3447
Shizuka Kawasaki
Yuichiro Yamashita
Nobuto Oka
Takashi Yagi
Junjun Jia
Naoyuki Taketoshi
Tetsuya Baba
Yuzo Shigesato
Thermal Boundary Resistance of W/Al2O3Interface in W/Al2O3/W Three-Layered Thin Film and Its Dependence on Morphology Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55 065802-1-5
Noriko Fujinaga
Naoki Nishikawa
Shingo Sakiyama
Seiji Yamazoe
Yuko Kojima
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Satoshi Yokojima
Shinichiro Nakamura
Kingo Uchida
Temperature dependence of the photoinduced micro-crystalline surface topography of a diarylethene CrystEngComm 15 8400-8403
Koichi Nakanishi
Akinori Kogure
Takenao Fujii
Ryohei Kokawa
Keiji Deuchi
Ritsuko Kuwana
Hiromu Takamatsu
With respect to coefficient of linear thermal expansion, bacterial vegetative cells and spores resemble plastics and metals, respectively Journal of Nanobiotechnology - -
Fumito Araoka
Shiori Masuko
Akinori Kogure
Daigo Miyajima
Takuzo Aida
Hideo Takezoe
High-Optical-Quality Ferroelectric Film Wet-Processed from a Ferroelectric Columnar Liquid Crystal as Observed by Non-linear-Optical Microscopy Advanced Materials - DOI: 10.1002/adma.201301380 (electronic journal)
Yuya Yoneyama
Tomonori Matsuno
Yoshiya Hashimoto
Tazuko Satoh
In vitroevaluation of H 2 O 2 hydrothermal treatment of aged titanium sueface to enhance biofunctional acitivity Dental Materials Journal 32 115-121
Satoshi Komasa
Yoichiro Taguchi
Hisataka Nishida
Masahiro Tanaka
Takayoshi Kawazoe
Bioactivity of nanostructure on titanium surface modified by chemical proceeding at room temperature Journal of Prosthodontic Research 56 170-177
Yusuke Hashimoto
Yoshiya Hashimoto
Aki Nishiura
Naoyuki Matsumoto
Atomic force microscopy observation of enamel surfaaces treated with selfetching primer Dental Materials Journal  32 181-188 
Kei Kondo
Akira Suzuki
Munetaka Akita
Michito Yoshizawa
Micelle-like Molecular Capsules with Anthracene Shells as Photoactive Hosts Angewandte Chemie 52 2308-2312
Kenjiro Hayashi
Shintaro Sato
Naoki Yokoyama
Anisotropic graphene growth accompanied by step bunching on a dynamic copper surface Nanotechnology 24 025603 (7pp)


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Toru Yoshino
Hiroyuki Kagi
Effects of L-Aspartic acid on the step retreat kinetics of calcite Journal of Crystal Growth 338 244-250 
Junjun Jia
Aiko Takasaki
Nobuto Oka
Yuzo Shigesato
Experimental observation on the Fermi level shift in polycrystalline Al-doped ZnO films Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 112 013718-1-7
Masahiro Imai
Maiko Kikuchi
Nobuto Oka
Yuzo Shigesato
Visible light-induced photocatalytic properties of WO3films deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 30  031503-1-5
Jyunya Takashima
Nobuto Oka
Yuzo Shigesato
Photocatalytic Activity of WO3Films Crystallized by Postannealing in Air Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 51  055501-1-5
Kenjiro Hayashi
Shintaro Sato
Minoru Ikeda
Chioko Kaneta
Naoki Yokoyama
Selective Graphene Formation on Copper Twin Crystals J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 12492-12498
R. Ohno
H. Ohnuki
H. Wang
T. Yokoyama
D. Tsuya
M. Izumi
Fabrication and characterization of non-labeled IgA immunosensor Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 37 255-258
Takuma Hachisu
Wataru Sato
Shugo Ishizuka
Atsushi Sugiyama
Jun Mizuno
Tetsuya Osaka
Injection of synthesized FePt nanoparticles in hole-patterns for bit patterned media Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 303-308
Chanjuan Liao Jianquan Zhao
Ping Yu
Hua Tong
Yunbai Luo
Synthesis and characterization of low content of different SiO2 materials composite poly (vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membranes Desalination 285 117-122 
Bo-Lei Chen
Hao Hua
Qi-Dong Tai
Nan-Gang Zhang Feng Guo
Bobby Sebo
Wei Liu
Ji-Kang Yuan
Jian-Bo Wang
Xing-Zhong Zhao
An inverted fabrication method towards a flexible dye sensitized solar cell based on a free-standing TiO2 nanowires membrane Electrochimica Acta 59 581-586
Guangyao Liu
Qian Qiu
Zesheng An
Development of thermosensitive copolymers of poly [2-methoxyethyl acrylateco-poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate] and their nanogels synthesized by RAFT dispersion polymerization in water Polymer Chemistry 3 504-513
Koichi Nakanishi
Akinori kogure
Takenao Fujii
Ryohei Kokawa
Keiji Deuchi
Development of method for evaluating cell hardness and correlation between bacterial spore hardness and durability Journal of Nanobiotechnology 10 DOI:
K.Kokubo Water-Soluble Single-Nano Carbon Particles: Fullerenol and Its Derivatives The Delivery of Nanoparticles (ISBN 978-953-51-0615-9 edited by Abbass A. Hashim) - 317-332
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Megumi Dohi
Light-Controlled Selective Pb Deposition on Photochromic Surfaces Applied Physics Express 5 041603-1-3
Hailong Hu
Akkawat Ruammaitree
Hitoshi Nakahara
Koji Asaka
Yahachi Saito
Few-layer epitaxial graphene with large domains on Cterminated 6H-Sic Surface and Interface Analysis 44  793-796
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Kosuke Tsuji
Metal-Vapor Deposition Modulation on Soft Polymer Surfaces Applied Physics Express 5 021601-1-3
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Naoya Matsui
Dual-functional diffraction grating based on selective metal deposition of photochromic diarylethene Optics Letters 36 3648-3650


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Akifumi Noujima
Takato Mitsudome
Tomoo Mizugaki
Koichiro Jitsukawa
Kiyotomi Kaneda
Gold Nanoparticle-Catalyzed Environmentally Benign Deoxygenation of Epoxides to Alkenes Molecules 16 8209-8227
Ayako Oyane
Teruhisa Ootsuka
Kazumi Hayama
Yu Sogo
Atsuo Ito
Enhanced immobilization of acidic proteins in the apatite layer via electrostatic interactions in a supersaturated calcium phosphate solution Acta Biomaterialia 7 2969-2976
Yanwei Wang
Shiyong Ran
Baoyuan Man
Guangcan Yang
DNA condensations on mica surfaces induced collaboratively by alcohol and hexammine cobalt Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 83  61-68
C.W. Zou
J. Zhang
W. Xie
L.X. Shao
L.P. Guo
D.J. Fu
Characterization and properties Ti–Al–Si–N nanocomposite coatings prepared by middle frequency magnetron sputtering Applied Surface Science 257 10373-10378
T.C. Peng
X.H. Xiao
X.Y. Han
X.D. Zhou
W. Wu
F. Ren
C.Z. Jiang
Characterization of DC reactive magnetron sputtered NiO films using spectroscopic ellipsometry Applied Surface Science 257  5908-5912 
Min Zhang
Kun Wu
Guoying Li
Interactions of collagen molecules in the presence of N-hydroxysuccinimide activated adipic acid (NHS-AA) as a crosslinking agent Biological Macromolecules 49 847-854
Lirong He
Changdao Mu
Jiabo Shi
Qian Zhang
Bi Shi
Wei Lin
Modification of collagen with a natural cross-linker, procyanidin Biological Macromolecules 48  354-359
Guangyao Liu
Qian Qiu
Wenqing Shen
Zesheng An
Aqueous Dispersion Polymerization of 2-Methoxyethyl Acrylate for the Synthesis of Biocompatible Nanoparticles Using a Hydrophilic RAFT Polymer and a Redox Initiator Macromolecules 44 5237-5245
Wenqing Shen
Yanli Chang
Guangyao Liu
Haifang Wang
Aoneng Cao
Zesheng An
Biocompatible, Antifouling, and Thermosensitive Core Shell Nanogels Synthesized by RAFT Aqueous Dispersion Polymerization Macromolecules 44 2524-2530
Jin Liu
Hai-Mu Ye
Jun Xu
Bao-Hua Guo
Formation of ring-banded spherulites of a and b modifications in Poly (butylene adipate) Polymer 52 4619-4630
Na Peng
Xi-Ming Xia
Wen-Tao He
Wen-Ming Liu
Shi-Wen Huang
Ren-Xi Zhuo
Fabrication and stability of porous poly (allylamine) hydrochloride (PAH)/poly- (acrylic acid) (PAA) multilayered films via a cleavable-polycation template Polymer 52 1256-1262
Wenyong Zhang
Liping Guo
Guoliang Peng
Tiecheng Li
Shixuan Feng
Zhongpo Zhou
Ting Peng
Zuci Quan
Effect of annealing temperature on magnetic property of Si1−xCrx thin films Thin Solid Films 520 769-773
Zhongpo Zhou
Shijun Luo
Yin Wang
Zhiwei Ai
Chang Liu
Duofa Wang
YoungPak Lee
Room temperature ferromagnetism and hopping transport in amorphous CrN thin films Thin Solid Films 519 1989-1992
Yingying Chen
Runguang Sun
Bo Wang
Monolayer behavior of binary systems of betulinic acid and cardiolipin: Thermodynamic analyses of Langmuir monolayers and AFM study of Langmuir–Blodgett monolayers Colloid and Interface Science 353 294-300
Tianrong Zhu
Yanwen Lin
Yunbai Luo
Xuan Hu
Wenhai Lin
Ping Yu
Chi Huang
Preparation and characterization of TiO2-regenerated cellulose inorganic–polymer hybrid membranes for dehydration of caprolactam Carbohydrate Polymers 87  901-909 
Hongli Li
Changdao Mu
Wei Lin
Concomitant degradation in periodate oxidation of carboxymethyl cellulose Carbohydrate Polymers 84 881-886
Qi Hao
Ai Xia
1Wei Qiang
Liu Ying
Zhang Kun
Sun Runguang
Effects of a Moderate-Intensity Static Magnetic Field and Adriamycin on K562 Cells Bioelectromagnetics 32  191-199
Haijiao Zhang
Panpan Xu
Guidong Du
Zhiwen Chen
Kokyo Oh
Dengyu Pan
Zheng Jiao
A Facile One-Step Synthesis of TiO2/Graphene Composites for Photodegradation of Methyl Orange Nano Res 4 273-283
Tianjin Zhang
He Huang
Ren Chen
Wet Chemical Etching Process of BST Thin Films for Pyroelectric Infrared Detectors Ferroelectrics 410 137-144
Lili Sun
Shanshan Liang
Yue Sa
Zhejun Wang
Xiao Ma
Tao Jiang
Yining Wang
Surface alteration of human tooth enamel subjected to acidic and neutral 30% hydrogen peroxide DENTISTRY 39 686-692
Can Xin Tian
Bing Yang
Jun He
Hong JunWang
De Jun Fu
Structural and Mechanical Properties of CrNx Coatings Deposited by Medium-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering with and without Ion Source Assistance Nanomaterials 2011 Article ID 534647, 7pages
Haigang Li
Yanwen Lin
Yunbai Luo
Ping Yu
Liwei Hou
Relating organic fouling of reverse osmosis membranes to adsorption during the reclamation of secondary effluents containing methylene blue and rhodamine B Hazardous Materials 192  490-499
X. Fan
G.J. Fang
P.L. Qin
F. Cheng
X.Z. Zhao
Rapid phase segregation of P3HT:PCBM composites by thermal annealing for high-performance bulk-heterojunction solar cells Appl Phys A 105 1003-1009
Y. M. Huang
Y. Li
K. He
C. X. Pan
Micrometre scale residual stress measurement in fusion boundary of dissimilar steel welded joints using nanoindenter system Materials Science and Technology 27  1453-1460
X. D. Zhou
X. H. Xiao
J. X. Xu
G. X. Cai
F. Ren
C. Z. Jiang
Mechanism of the enhancement and quenching of ZnO photoluminescence by ZnO-Ag coupling EPL 93 57009
Qidong Tai
Bolei Chen
Feng Guo
Sheng Xu
Hao Hu
Bobby Sebo
Xing-Zhong Zhao
In Situ Prepared Transparent Polyaniline Electrode and Its Application in Bifacial Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells ACSNANO 5 3795-3799
Xiao Zou
Guojia Fang
Jiawei Wan
Xun He
Haoning Wang
Nishuang Liu
Hao Long
Xingzhong Zhao
Improved Subthreshold Swing and Gate-Bias Stressing Stability of p-Type Cu2O Thin-Film Transistors Using a HfO2 High-k Gate Dielectric Grown on a SiO2/Si Substrate by Pulsed Laser Ablation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 38 2003-2007
Longyan Yuan
Xiao Zou
Guojia Fang
Jiawei Wan
Hai Zhou
Xingzhong Zhao
High-Performance Amorphous Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors With HfOxNy/HfO2/HfOxNy Tristack Gate Dielectrics IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS 32 42-44
Jing Zhang
Cao Li
Zhi-Yuan Xue
Hai-Wei Cheng
Fu-Wei Huang
Ren-Xi Zhuo
Xian-Zheng Zhang
Fabrication of lactobionic-loaded chitosan microcapsules as potential drug carriers targeting the liver Acta Biomaterialia 7 1665-1673
Sheng Xu
Cong-hua Zhou
Ying Yang
Hao Hu
Bobby Sebo
Bo-lei Chen
Qi-dong Tai
Xingzhong Zhao
Effects of Ethanol on Optimizing Porous Films of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Energy Fuels 25 1168-1172
Xi Fan
Guojia Fang
Pingli Qin
Nanhai Sun
Nishuang Liu
Qiao Zheng
Fei Cheng
Longyan Yuan
Xingzhong Zhao
Deposition temperature effect of RF magnetron sputtered molybdenum oxide films on the power conversion efficiency of bulk-heterojunction solar cells PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS 44 45101
B. L. Zhu
S. J. Zhu
X. Z. Zhao
F. H. Su
G. H. Li
X. G. Wu
J. Wu
Characteristics of undoped and Sb-doped ZnO thin films prepared in different atmospheres by pulsed laser deposition Phys. Status Solidi A 208, No. 4 843-850
Weizhong Yuan
Zhengda Zhao
Jinying Yuan
Shuying Gu
Fengbo Zhang
Xuming Xied
Jie Ren
Synthesis of pH- and temperature-responsive chitosan-graft-poly [2-(N,N-dimethylamino) ethylmethacrylate] copolymer and gold nanoparticle stabilization by its micelles Polym Int 60 194-201
Naici Bing
Zhen Tian
Luping Zhu
Haiying Jin
Lingling Wang
Lijun Wang
Controlled Grafting of S-naproxen Imprinted layer on PVDF Microporous Membrane By ATRP Advanced Materials Research Vols 148-149 1026-1030
Jing Li
Huaqing Xie
Yang Li
Jie Liu
Zhuxin Li
Electrochemical properties of graphene nanosheets/polyaniline nanofibers composites as electrode for supercapacitors Power Sources 196  10775-10781
Sheng-Tao Yang
Sheng Chen
Yanli Chang
Aoneng Cao
Yuanfang Liu
Haifang Wang
Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution by graphene oxide Colloid and Interface Science 359  24-29
Yanli Chang
Sheng-Tao Yang
Jia-Hui Liua
Erya Dong
Yanwen Wang
Aoneng Cao
Yuanfang Liu
Haifang Wang
In vitro toxicity evaluation of graphene oxide on A549 cells Toxicology Letters 200 201-210
Yanwei Wang
Shiyong Ran
Baoyuan Man
Guangcan Yang
Ethanol induces condensation of single DNA molecules Soft Matter 7 4425-4434
Shi-Yong Ran
Yan-Wei Wang
Guang-Can Yang
Lin-Xi Zhang
Morphology Characterization and Single-Molecule Study of DNA Dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide Complex Physical Chemistry 115  4568-4575
Yi Chen
Lidan Yan
Tun Yuan
Qiyi Zhang
Haojun Fan
Asymmetric Polyurethane Membrane with In Situ-Generated Nano-TiO2 as Wound Dressing Applied polymer Science 119 1532-1541
Yi-Tao Liu
Xu-Ming Xie
Xiong-Ying Ye
High-concentration organic solutions of poly (styrene-cobutadiene-co-styrene) -modified graphene sheets exfoliated from graphite Carbon 49 3529-3537
Hirokazu Kamada
Ikuo Ihara
Hong Dae Kim
Tadachika Nakayama
Munehiro Kimura
Tadashi Akahane
Alignment film abrasion caused by rubbing Journal of Information Display 12 173-177
Y. Inoue
Y. Kuramoto
M. Hattori
M. Adachi
M. Kimura
T. Akahane
A study on the relationship between rubbing scratches on an alignment film and rubbing cloths using a highspeed camera Journal of Information Display 12 125-128
Daisuke Mori
Hiroaki Benten
Junya Kosaka
Hideo Ohkita
Shinzaburo Ito
Kunihito Miyake
Polymer/Polymer Blend Solar Cells with 2.0% Efficiency Developed by Thermal Purification of Nanoscale-Phase-Separated Morphology Applied Materials and Interfaces 3 2924-2927
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka Selective metal deposition on photosensitive organic crystal surfaces Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 12639-12643
Mari Tabuchi
Makoto Seo
Takayuki Inoue
Takeshi Ikeda
Akinori Kogure
Ikuo Inoue
Shigehiro Katayama
Toshiyuki Matsunaga
Akira Hara
Tsugikazu Komoda
Geometrical Separation Method for Lipoproteins Using Bioformulated-Fiber Matrix Electrophoresis: Size of High-Density Lipoprotein Does Not Reflect Its Density Anal. Chem. 83 1131-1136


Authors Title Journal Volume Page
Toru Yoshino
Hiroyuki Kagi
Natsumi Kamiya
Ryohei Kokawa
Relation between etch-pit morphology and step retreat velocity on a calcite surface in aspartic acid solution Journal of Crystal Growth 312  1590-1598
Sheng-Tao Yang
Yanli Chang
Haifang Wang
Gangbo Liu
Sheng Chen
Yanwen Wang
Yuanfang Liu
Aoneng Cao
Folding/aggregation of graphene oxide and its application in Cu2+ removal Colloid and Interface Science 351 122-127
Dengyu Pan
Jingchun Zhang
Zhen Li
Minghong Wu
Hydrothermal Route for Cutting Graphene Sheets into Blue-Luminescent Graphene Quantum Dots Advanced Materials 22 734-738
Aoneng Cao
Zhen Liu
Saisai Chu
Minghong Wu
Zhangmei Ye
Zhengwei Cai
Yanli Chang
Shufeng Wang
Qihuang Gong
Yuanfang Liu
A Facile One-step Method to Produce Graphene–CdS Quantum Dot Nanocomposites as Promising Optoelectronic Materials Advanced Materials 22 103-106
Xiao Zou
Guojia Fang
Longyan Yuan
Nishuang Liu
Hao Long
Xingzhong Zhao
Fabrication and electrical properties of metal-oxide semiconductor capacitors based on polycrystalline p-CuxO and HfO2/SiO2 high-κ stack gate dielectrics Thin Solid Films 518 4446-4449
C.W. Zou
H.J. Wang
M.L. Yi
M. Li
C.S. Liu
L.P. Guo
D.J. Fu
T.W. Kang
Defects related room temperature ferromagnetism in p-type (Mn, Li) co-doped ZnO films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering Applied Surface Science 256 2453-2457
C.W. Zou
H.J. Wang
M. Li
Y.F. Yu
C.S. Liu
L.P. Guo
D.J. Fu
Characterization and properties of TiN-containing amorphous Ti–Si–N nanocomposite coatings prepared by arc assisted middle frequency magnetron sputtering Vacuum 84 817-822
Min Zhang
Yihui Chen
Guoying Li
Zongliang Du
Ultrathin Alumina Membranes for Surface Nanopatterning in Fabricating Quantum-Sized Nanodots small 6 695-699
Haijiao Zhang
Huijiao Guo
Xiaoyong Deng
Ping Gu
Zhiwen Chen
Zheng Jiao
Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes via surface unpaired electrons Nanotechnology 21 85706
Jun Liu
Meiya Li
Ling Pei
Jing Wang
Zhongqiang Hu
Xiao Wang
Xingzhong Zhao
Effect of Ce and Zr codoping on the multiferroic properties of BiFeO3 thin films EPL-EUROPHYS LETT 89 57004
Min Zhang
Yihui Chen
Guoying Li
Zongliang Du
Rheological properties of fish skin collagen solution : Effects of temperature and concentration Rheology Journal 22 119-127
Takeshi SAEKI
Masahiro ISHIDA
Kazuaki TABATA
Kohzo OHTA
Sol-Gel Transition of Acid Silica Sols Produced by a Y-shaped Reactor Jorunal of the Society of Rheology 38 209-214
Observation of Cleavage Surface in Tri-Glycine Sulfate by Atomic Force Microscopy Ferroelectrics 400 195-203
Tsuyoshi Tsujioka
Rie Takagi
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Light-controlled metal deposition on photochromic polymer films Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 9623-9627
Takuma Hachisu
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Arrangement of FePt Nanocubes Utilizing Chemical Binding Selectivity Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157 D514-D518
Yusuke Sesumi
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Light-Controlled Selective Metal Deposition on a Photochromic Diarylethene Film -Toward New Applications in Electronics and Photonics- Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 83 756-761
Minoru Umeda
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Methanol oxidation enhanced by the presence of O2 at novel Pt-C co-sputtered electrode Physiclal Chemistry Chemical Physics - -
Takeaki Sakurai
Toshihiro Yamanari
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Yuji Yoshida
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Comparative Study on Structural Properties of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)and Poly(3-hexylthiophene):6,6-Phenyl-C61 Butyric Acid Methyl Ester Thin Films Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 -


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Makoto Iwata
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Takuma Morishita
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Masaki Maeda
Observation of Domain Wall Structures in Triglycine Sulfate by Using Scanning Probe Microscopy Journal of the Korean Physical Society 55 746-748
Emi Machida
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Takashi Fuyuki
Ryohei Kokawa
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Characterization of local electrical properties of polycrystalline siliconthin films and hydrogen termination effect by conductive atomic force microscopy Applied Physics Letters 94 182104 1-3
Rubia F. Gouveia
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Electrostatic Charging of Hydrophilic Particles Due to Water Adsorption Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 11381-11386
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Characterization and temperature controlling property of TiAlN coatings deposited by reactive magnetron co-sputtering Journal of Alloys and Compounds 472 91-96
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Yasushi Sato
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Comparative study on early stages of film growth for transparent conductive oxide films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering Thin Solid Films 516 4598–4602
Yasushi Sato
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Study on early stages of film growth for Sn doped In2O3films deposited at various substrate temperatures Thin Solid Films 516   5868–5871
Rongguang Wang Observation of microcontaminants on pure chromium surface by AFM and their removal by UV light illumination Surf. Interface Anal.    
Varutt Kittichungchit
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Efficiency Enhancement in Organic Photovoltaic Cell with Interpenetrating Conducting Polymer/C60 Heterojunction Structure by Substrate-Heating Treatment Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47 1094-1097
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Composite TiO2/SnO2 nanostructured films prepared by spin-coating with high photocatalytic performance Catalysis Communications 9 2357-2360
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Atomic force microscopic study on DNA-wrapping for different diameter single-wall carbon nanotubes Diamond and Related Materials 17 1389-1393
Masayuki Kamei Localization of the Photocatalytic Reaction on the Grain Boundary of Bicrystalline TiO2 Applied Physics Express 1 101201-1 - 101201-3
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Regularly Interstratified Layered Silicate-Polymer Nanocomposite Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 3668-3672
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Local chemical state change in Co-O resistance random access memory physica status solidi rapid research letters 2 99-101


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Ryuji Sugiura
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Effects of Alloying Additions and Material Microstructure on the Accuracy of the Predictive Law of Creep Crack Growth for W-Strengthened 9–12%Cr Ferritic Heat-Resistant Steel Materials Transactions 48  2928-2936
Yuna Seo
Eiko Ikemoto
Akihiro Yoshida
Kazuhiro Kogure
Particle capture by marine bacteria AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY 49 243-253
Highly(100)-Oriented Potassium Niobate Thin Films Prepared by RF-Magnetron Sputtering 2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium - P1G-3
Novel Polymer Monolith Prepared from a Water-Soluble Crosslinking Agent Journal of Polymer Science: Part A : Polymer Chemistry 45 3811-3817
Ken-ichiro Yamamoto
Masayo Hayama
Masato Matsuda
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Makoto Fukuda
Takehiro Miyasaka
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Evaluation of asymmetrical structure dialysis membrane by tortuous capillary pore diffusion model Journal of Membrane Science 287 88-93
Domain Wall Observations and the Phase Trsansition in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-8%PbTiO3 by AFM Ferroelectrics 347 157-161
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Effects of micelle structures formed in selective solvents on crystallization behaviors of poly(ethylene glycol) -b-poly(styrene) copolymers Polymer 48 2755-2761
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Photoinduced Amphiphilic Property of InNbO4 Thin Film Langmuir 23 1924-1927
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The effect of applied negative bias voltage on the structure of Ti-doped a-C:H films deposited by FCVA Applied Surface Science 253 3722-3726
Ebru Günister
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Synthesis and characterization of chitosan-MMT biocomposite systems Carbohydrate Polymers 67 358-365
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Enhancing electroluminescence performance of MEH-PPV based polymer light emitting device via blending with organosoluble polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes European Polymer Journal 43 715-724
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Simple estimation of strain distribution in narrow-stripe waveguide array fabricated by selective MOVPE Journal of Crystal Growth 298 676-681
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Influence of sputtering bias on the microstructure and properties of Nb-Si-N films Surface & Coatings Technology 201 4931-4934
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Nonuniformity in Natural Rubber As Revealed by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, and Atomic Force Microscopy Biomacromo -lecules 8 693-699
Shunji Yunoki
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Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Nanocomposite Gel Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7 818-821
Akira Monkawa
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Collagen Coating on Hydroxyapatite Surfaces Modified with Organosilane by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Method Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7 833-838


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Rongguang Wang
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Corrosion behavior of pure iron beneath a micro-droplet of sulfuric acid solution investigated by atomic force microscopy Scripta Materialia 55 633-636
Akira Mizuno
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Yoshiro Iwai
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Kenzo Miyazaki
Friction Properties of the DLC Film with Periodic Structures in Nano-scale Tribology Online 1 44-48
Kazuo Takimiya
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Yasushi Konda
Hideaki Ebata
Yuta Toyoshima
Tetsuo Otsubo
2,7-Diphenyl[1]benzoselenopheno [3,2- b][1]benzoselenophene as a Stable Organic Semiconductor for a High-Performance Field-Effect Transistor J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 128 3044-3050
Yutaka Harima
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Kazuo Takimiya
Tetsuo Otsubo
Changes in Electrochemical and Optical Properties of Oligoalkylthiophene Film Induced by Bipolaron Formation J. Phys. Chem. B 110 1529-1535
Makoto IWATA
Rintaro AOYAGI
Masaki MAEDA
Dielectric Anisotropy near Morphotropic Phase Boundary in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 Crystals Japanese Journal of Applied Physcis 45 7543-7547
Akira Monkawa
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Kazushi Ohta
Junzo Tanaka
A dewetting process to nano-pattern collagen on hydroxyapatite Materials Letters - -
Takuya Yamamoto
Takanori Fukushima
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Atsuko Kosaka
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Stabilization of a Kinetically Favored Nanostructure: Surface ROMP of Self-Assembled Conductive Nanocoils from a Norbornene- Appended Hexa- peri hexabenzo- coronene [Supporting Information] J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 14337-14340
Visit American Chemical Society Publications for [Supporting Information]
Satoshi FUKURA
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Hiroyuki KAGI
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Ryohei Kokawa
Takenao Fujii
Akinori Kogure
Akira Monkawa
Toshiyuki Ikoma
Taro Takemura
Nobutaka Hanagata
Junzo Tanaka
Observation of the Extracellular Matrix with the Nanosearch Microscope 16th International Microscopy Congress proceedings 1 32
Akira Monkawa
Toshiyuki Ikoma
Shunji Yunoki
Tomohiko Yoshioka
Junzo Tanaka
Dinko Chakarov
Bengt Kasemo
Fabrication of hydroxyapatite ultra-thin layer on gold surface and its application for quartz crystal microbalance technique. Biomaterials 27 5748-5754
Hanagata H
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Pre-adsorbed type-I collagen structure-dependent changes in osteoblastic phenotype Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 344 1234-1240
CHANG Hai-bo
XU Tao
LI Hong-xuan
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LIU Hui-wen
Study on microstructure and tribological properties of diamond-likecarbon films deposited by PECVD [Chinese] VACUUM 43 47-50
Akira Monkawa
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Shunji Yunoki
Kazushi Ohta
Junzo Tanaka
Electrophoretic Depositoin of Hydroxyapatite Nanocrystal Key Engineering Materials Vols


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H. Mukai
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Formation of morphologically similar globular aggregates from diverse aggregation-prone proteins in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102 10887-10892
YU Yi-gang
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The study of 3-dimensional structures of IgG with atomic force microscopy Chinese Journal of Traum atology 8 277-282
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Wear Resistance of Ti Based Bulk Metallic Glass [Chinese] FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY 26< 941-943
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Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Al-doped ZnMgO Alloy Films for Modulation-doped ZnO/ZnMgO Heterostructures Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 3822-3827
Measurements of potential barrier height of grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon by Kelvin probe force microscopy Philosophical Magazine Letters 85 41-49
Hideyuki Mukai
Takayuki Isagawa
Emiko Goyama
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Neil F. Bence
Atsuo Tamura
Yoshitaka Ono
Ron R. Kopito
Formation of morphologically similar globular aggregates from diverse aggregation-prone proteins in mammalian cells PNAS 102 10887-10892
Yukiko Okuda
Noritaka Momose
Masashi Takahashi
Yoshio Hashimoto
Kentaro Ito
β-FeSi2 Continuous Films Prepared on Corning 7059 Glass by RF-Magnetron Sputtering Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 6505-6507
Kenji Toda
Akira Sugawara
Kazuyoshi Uematsu
Mineo Sato
Preparation of KNbO3 Thin Film by Self-Assembly of Perovskite Nanosheet Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 6973-6976
Makoto Iwata
Yusuke Hasegawa
Masaki Maeda
Naohiko Yasuda
Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Fingerprint Pattern and Dielectric Property in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 Japanese Journal of Applied Physcis 44 7165-7168
GUO Yun-chang
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Application of atomic force microscope technology in DNA research [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 653-654
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Atomic force microscope study of 3D structure of lipid rafts in neuron membrane [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 655-657
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Atomic force microscope study of invasion ability of U251 glioma cells [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 658-660
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Observation of ultrastructure of human dendritic cells from peripheral blood by atomic force microscope [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 661-663
YU Yi-gang
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Atomic force microscope study of pathologic section of dog brain tissue after craniocerebral firearm injury [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 664-665
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Advancement of scanning probe microscope [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 733-735
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Application of atomic force microscope technology in the field of biomedicine research [Chinese] Chinese Journal of Neuromedicine 4 735-738
Makoto Iwata
Kohei Katsuraya
Masaki Maeda
Ikuo Suzuki
Naohiko Yasuda
Yoshihiro Ishibashi
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Hashida Masao
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Gas desorption of inner coating materials used for cathode ray tube after electron beam irradiation Journal of the vacuum society of Japan 48 112-114


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Shujiro Okuda
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Electrophoretic Mobilitiy of Bacillus subilis Knockout Mutants with and without Flagella Journal of Bacteriology 185 3711-3717
Shinsuke Okada
Hiroshi Segawa
Substituent-Control Exciton in J-Aggregates of Protonated Water-Insoluble Porphyrins Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 2792-2796
Makoto Iwata
Masaki Maeda
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Hidehiro Ohwa
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Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Observation of Domain-Wall Structure in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-20% PbTiO3 by Scanning Probe Microscopy Journal of the Korean Physical Society 42 S1051-S1054
M. Iwata
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Domain-wall observation in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 solid solutions by AFM Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 28 145-147
Makoto Iwata
Kohei Katsuraya
Ikuo Suzuki
Masaki Maeda
Naohiko Yasuda
Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Domain observation of Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Mixed crystals by scanning probe microscopy Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 42 6201-6204
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Masayo Hayama
Takehiro Miyasaka
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Hiroko Asahara
Katsuhiko Tsujioka
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Kiyotaka Sakai
Yoichi Jinbo
Masashi Yoshida
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Preparation and tribological properties of sol-gel zirconia thin films stabilized with ceria Materials Letters 55 407-413
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A new method for evaluating the scratch resistance of diamond-like carbon films by the nano-scratch technique Diamond and Related Materials 11 1454-1459
Natsumi Kamiya
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Inhibiting effects of trace amounts of Lanthanum ion on the dissolution of calcite: a comparative study on calcium carbonete polymorphs Chemistry letters 31 890-891
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Matsubara Seijiro
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