Applications in the Food Industry

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The figures show beer yeast (magnified by about 4000 times), upper-left, and bacteria (magnified by about 10000 times), upper right.
The SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) allows you to observe in the atmosphere without evaporation by simply preparing a sample as shown in the figure lower right. In particular, "bud scar" of yeast and "flagella" (approx. 20 nm in thickness) of bacteria can be observed. This means that the SPM can provide amazing resolution.
The labeling of bacteria and static processing of them, as shown in the figure lower left, are also available with the help of the particle analysis software and a means of indentifying the type of bacteria is given.
In the industry where microorganism is treated to manufacture goods such as beers, dairy products and yeast products, the SPM offers manufacturing control data or study and development data which is unavailable from any optical or electron microscope.

Preparation of microorganism specimens for Scanning Porce Microscopy

Preparation of microorganism specimens for Scanning Porce Microscopy