AOAC Annual Meeting 2021 Posters
Trace Level Analysis for Drinking Water
Implementation of Novel SPME Arrow for the Trace-Level Analysis of Taste and Odor Compounds in Drinking Water
Odorants 2-Methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and Geosmin are the two major culprits behind public complaints on unpleasant tasting water. In this study, Standard Method 6040D was implemented for the analysis of 2-MIB and Geosmin employing SPME, methodological detection limits (MDLs), and recovery experiments were conducted. ....
Determination of Perchlorate in Drinking Water using Suppressed Anion Chromatography Coupled with Single Quadrupole MS
Perchlorate is considered toxic in that it may cause dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In this study, an IC-MS method was developed using a novel electrolytically regenerated anion suppressor as a part of a modular IC system coupled with a single quadrupole MS for perchlorate determination in drinking water…
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AOC-6000 Plus Multifunctional Autosampler
The AOC-6000 Plus Multifunctional Autosampler enables various syringes injections, including liquid injection, headspace (HS) injection, and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) injection. The automatic syringe exchange RTC (Robotic Tool Changer) function enables continuous sample injection using different syringes. By combining with the Twin Line MS system, different analytical methods such as SPME and HS can be performed continuously without changing the column.